Board of Education
Board of Education
Board of Education
The Homer Board of Education is the policy-making body, governing the educational and financial affairs of the district within the framework of state and federal law. The Board is composed of six citizens elected to serve overlapping terms of four years each. At the end of the term, a board member wishing to continue this unsalaried community service must be reelected to an additional four-year term. Voting for school board positions takes place on the November General Election ballot. Board of Education meeting are held in the Homer Community School Building and are open to the public.
Mr. Paul Tighe, President – phone: 712-577-9780, email
Mr. Byron Hall, Vice-President – phone: 712-259-5391, email
Dr. Kristina Nelsen, Phd.- Secretary - phone: 712-898-6879, email
Ms. Samantha Johnson, Member – phone: , email
Mr. Tyler Kirkholm, Treasurer – phone: 712-253-8500, email
Mr. Ryan Harris, Member - phone: 402-922-0917, email
Communication Procedures with the Board of Education and School Personnel
The Board recognizes that questions or concerns regarding the operation of the school district will arise. The Board further believes that constructive criticism can assist in improving the quality of the education program and in meeting individual student needs more effectively. The Board also places trust in its employees and desires to support their actions in educating students.
Parents and community members wishing to contact the Board of Education regarding a specific school issue, teacher or child, are encouraged to begin at the level closest to the issue. The Board supports communication through informal conferences with the appropriate teacher, coach, or administrator. Communication with the appropriate school personnel should occur as soon as possible for positive and expeditious resolution. The appropriate steps are:
Step One: Contact the teacher, coach, guidance counselor, etc.
Step Two: Contact the principal (If this is a school-wide concern, this becomes step one.)
Step Three: Contact the Superintendent or designee at 402-698-2377.
When an issue requiring attention is received by the Board or a Board Member, it will be referred to the Superintendent. After the appropriate steps have been taken, a parent or community member may appeal to the Board by requesting a place on the Board Agenda or during the public audience portion of the Board Meeting. If an appeal is made to the Board, the appeal shall be in writing. It is to be signed and explain the process followed by the individual or group prior to the appeal to the Board as well as the issue to be addressed.