Parent & Student Information
Student Handbook 24-25
2024-2025 Homer School Supply List
Click here to view the Bullying, Harassment and Hazing Prevention and Intervention Program
Check it out…the first WORLD BOOK WEB…an online encyclopedia! It is awesome and has so many different features and functions that you need to take a look at it! There is so much more than just encyclopedia entries – web articles, images, and more.
Username: neneb
Unit Wide Password: world
Lunch Balances
Did you know you could check your child’s lunch balance online?? Just go to their PowerSchool Account and all their lunch information is right there under the Green $ sign! Lunch balances are printed off weekly as a courtesy. Please contact the office at Ext. 101 if you need assistance obtaining your child’s lunch information.
Attendance Reminder
Students: Please remember that you need to have a parent’s permission BEFORE you leave the building during school hours and you must sign out at the office!
Parents: Please call in for your child if they won’t be in school for any reason.
Thank you very much for your cooperation!